Monday, January 18, 2010

So I'm going to give this blogging thing another try. I used to have one way back when, but I don't know what happened to it.

These pictures I took the other day for my 365, and I was quite pleased with them. I guess I forgot how cute rubber duckies are....
Anyhow, I'm really starting to miss the summer. A lot.... I miss:

Being out of school
Sitting in my swing while talking on the phone
Rubbing my toes in the dirt
Running barefoot
Wearing shorts and t-shirts
Fresh air
Taking picture walks
Having the fans on

It's funny how people look forward to the cold weather, and then right when they are starting to get really sick of it, spring rolls around. It's probably going to be another two or three months though.... So I guess I had better get used to coats and thermal underwear and such.


Sarah Garner said...

Aww, rubber duckies are the cutest thing since babies.

Uggh, I want summer back too. Like, right now.

sourpatch. said...

Haha, I'd have to agree. Bunny rabbits are adorable, too...actually anything small and furry....